The video below presents the beginnings of Dr. Gregor Hočevar, the founder of the Center Hočevar, a biological dentist, one of the leading experts in the field of biological dentistry in Slovenia and a certified specialist in the field of ceramic implant placement.

The video covers the conversion from traditional to biological dentistry. It all started with amalgam, a silver filling. Awareness of the toxicity of mercury led to research into alternative solutions, and so the path turned to composites and ceramics. The main inspiration on this path was dr. Ulrich Volz, pioneer of ceramic implants, founder and owner of @swissbiohealth and @swissdentalsolutions. With his energy, effort and enthusiasm, he had a very significant impact on our beginnings with the Center Hočevar.

In 2017, a new and completely biological wooden clinic was built. Our journey actually began there. The decisive factor was holistic health - we do not only repair and aesthetically beautify the teeth, but, so to speak, ensure that people become healthier, it is a concept of holistic care. We are happy because we get a lot of feedback from patients. It's not just about the teeth anymore, about the beauty, about the aesthetics that come at the end, it's about health, about well-being, about energy and sharing what we do. We also place great importance on raising awareness of our work. It is very important to realize that maybe metals are not healthy for everyone, mercury is not healthy for everyone, teeth treated with root canals are not suitable for everyone. The body can tolerate all these things, just as we humans can tolerate some other things, but it is of the utmost importance that we give the body the highest quality treatment and therapy.

Our goal within the Center Hočevar is to keep the body and mind healthy. We always take into account the impact of the disease state and our interventions on the health of the whole body. We only choose solutions, tools and materials that are organism-friendly or "biological". A healthy mouth radiates a healthy personality. Our goal is to keep your teeth healthy and alive!
dr. Gregor Hočevar
dr. dent. med., founder of Center Hočevar, leader of biological dentistry, Specialist In Biological Dentistry And Ceramic Implants (ISMI Germany, IAOCI USA)