X-Ray and 3D Diagnostics – Dental X-Ray Images
Dental radiography is a basic step for diagnostics. It enables a thorough examination and localization of impairment, damage and inflammation. A dental X-ray image is the first step to successful treatment.

In our offices, dental X-ray images are taken with state-of-the-art digital X-ray systems Planmeca ProX, Planmeca Intra and Planmeca Pro One designed by Planmeca.
The advantage of digital imaging include a reduced risk of radiation in comparison to classic imaging, the high resolution of the X-ray image, and the image being saved digitally and thus always available. You will receive your copy on a CD or it will be emailed to you. We do localized imaging or a panoramic X-ray of the upper and lower jaws, including the teeth (orthopantomograms). 3D diagnostics is not part of our services yet, but we can advise you where to get a high-quality 3D CBCT X-ray.
The advantage of digital imaging include a reduced risk of radiation in comparison to classic imaging, the high resolution of the X-ray image, and the image being saved digitally and thus always available.