In such cases, natural, biological tissue is engineered at our center with the use of the Choukroun A-PRF™ system. The procedure is simple. A small amount of blood is extracted from the patient and centrifuged, creating a liquid with a high concentration of thrombocytes. These thrombocytes contain the necessary information for constructing new tissue. In about 15 minutes, the system creates a tissue membrane that is ready to be inserted in the wound. Such tissue is biocompatible since it is autologous tissue (the patient’s own) and it does not contain any additives, such as anticoagulants.

Pacientu odvzamemo majhno količino krvi in jo centrifugiramo. Sistem Choukroun A-PRF™ v približno petnajstih minutah sestavi tkivno membrano
A small amount of blood is taken from the patient and centrifuged. The Choukroun A-PRF ™ system assembles a tissue membrane in about fifteen minutes