I’ve always known that cleansing the body on a regular basis greatly improves health and well-being, but somehow I had never imagined that it could so profoundly affect the ability to feel and to be connected.
As a psychosomatic trauma therapist, I firmly believed that all relational challenges & identity problems were due to early environmental failures.

Meaning that, because of the lack of love, care and attunement, our ability to develop essential life resources like the ability to:
- be connected to oneself and the other
- be attuned to one's need
- trust and establish a healthy autonomy
- live healthy love and sexuality
can be severely compromised.

Through @medicalmedium information, I learned about the devastating effects that bacterial
& viral overload, together with heavy metal toxicity and other
chemical waste, has on our bodies. Not only are we suffering from many
unexplained symptoms which create devastation in us, but it also affects
our identity and who we take ourselves to be.
So my approach to working with people changed accordingly.
I emphasize the importance of addressing the understanding around toxicity, bacterial and viral overload. Also, what an important role food has and taking on specific cleansing protocols that enable us to clean our bodies and support our health.
I can speak on behalf of myself, my family, some friends and clients that by doing regular cleanses:
- the capacity to stay present to our feelings and bodily sensations drastically improved
- the ability to compassionately embrace our shadows & fears increased
- forgiveness was easier and more accessible
- inner clarity improved
- the awareness that we are not alone arose
- connection to something bigger than us opened up
All of the resources mentioned above are crucial for working with trauma.

Presenting @medicalmedium protocols to my clients became an essential part of my work.
As I share with my clients my own @medicalmedium healing journey, it all becomes very tangible and most of them feel inspired to include MM protocols into their healing journey...
And many of them tremendously benefit from it. ❤️