Craniosacral Resonance and Dental Care
Craniosacral treaments can be very effective in combination with dental procedures and contribute to their success. Craniosacral resonance is beneficial both before and after dental procedures.

The positioning of the teeth and their general condition are influenced by the position of the different bones of the oral cavity and the adjacent structures. This can be due to local conditions or be influenced by physical or emotional tensions and imbalances in the rest of the body. Inversely, the state of the oral cavity and past interventions such as tooth extraction, fillings, artificial teeth, braces, dentures, bridges, missing back teeth, etc. can have a negative impact on other parts of the body.
Before Dental Procedures
A craniosacral practitioner can bring significant improvements in occlusion (the correct closing of jaws and teeth) and the position of teeth by adjusting the related structures, thus ensuring that subsequent dental or orthodontic work is performed on balanced structures. This ensures the lasting effect of dental work and prevents negative side-effects (pain, for instance), while simultaneously contributing to the overall health and well-being of the individual. It is also noteworthy to mention that craniosacral resonancetreatments can also offer a psychological support as preparation before invasive dental treatments.
After Dental Procedures
Craniosacral Resonance is very effective as a support during and after orthodontic treatments. Often extensive dental procedures tend to affect the balance of the different structures in the mouth and neck, leading to feelings of discomfort or even pain and movement restrictions in different parts of the body. Craniosacral Resonance can be applied to restore balance to the patient’s mouth, hard palate, mandibular joints and cervical soft tissues. This will contribute to the improvement of the patient’s overall comfort and sense of well-being.
Facial asymmetry, imbalance in cranial bones and heightened tension of the soft periodontal tissue directly impact chronic malocclusion (misalignment between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws), temporomandibular joint injuries, etc. Craniosacral resonance therapies can be very beneficial for such cases.