
The biggest factor in my decision regarding the choice of provider for implant placement was the confidence in the entire medical staff of Centre Hočevar. Once you decide on the procedure and the provider, the price should no longer be a factor – however, with two implants, the price is not insignificant. For the first procedure, I decided on the placement of the implant without accompanying therapies. At first, I thought that was a smart choice as I saved some money. But was it really the right decision? I got the answer to this question when I had by second implant, in which the procedure itself was more complicated, as the root of the tooth had to be removed piece by piece. However, because of the cooling and craniosacral therapy immediately after the procedure, I experienced significantly less or even no pain in days after the second procedure. Immediately the next morning, I was completely ready to perform my work duties, which was not the case after the first procedure (without cooling and craniosacral therapy).

I can therefore say that the cooling and craniosacral therapy after the procedure is the only correct decision.

Simon Kne