Center Hočevar
Biološko zobozdravstvo, pri katerem je na prvem mestu naraven, človeškemu organizmu prijazen pristop.
🗣️ NEW DATE ANNOUNCEMENT! After two highly successful SDS Zirconia Dental Implant Training sessions with Dr. Gregor Hočevar, we are thrilled to invite you to the third exclusive 1-day ceramic implant course, taking place on 🗓️ September 26, 2025 at 📍Center Hočevar, Škofja Loka, Slovenia. 🔬 What will you gain? ✅ In-depth knowledge of the @swissdentalsolutions implant system ✅ Advanced surgical & prosthetic techniques ✅ Key strategies to prevent peri-implantitis ✅ Exclusive GH technique demonstration ✅ Hands-on SDS implant placement This is your opportunity to elevate your expertise and master the future of implantology! ⚠️ Spots are limited! Link in bio👆🏽 #centerhocevar #zirconia #dental #implant #training #gregorhocevar #biologicaldentistry #ceramicimplants #upgrade #knowledge @swissdentalsolutions
Are ceramic implants the future of dentistry? 🌱🦷 Dr. Gregor Hočevar answers 6 key questions —watch now and find out why they’re a game-changer! 🚀 #centerhocevar #gregorhocevar #ceramicimplants #zirconiaimplants #dentalimplants #metalfreeimplants #smilerevolution #dentalhealth #implantology #biologicaldentistry #healthysmile #smiletransformation #oralhealth #futureofdentistry #dentalcare #innovativedentistry #dentistlife #toothreplacement @swissdentalsolutions
Your smile deserves the best! 😁✨ At Center Hočevar, we go beyond just dentistry—we prioritize biocompatible materials, safe & effective treatments, and a patient-first approach that ensures long-term well-being. Because oral health = overall health! 💙🦷 Let’s create a healthier, brighter smile together! #centerhocevar #biologicaldentistry #ghtechnique #gregorhocevar #ceramicimplants #biocompatiblematerials #bestcareforpatients #safe #highquality #healthysmile #healthybody
Advancing patient care with zirconia solutions ✨ At Swiss Dental Solutions Zirconia Training with Dr. Gregor Hočevar, participants gained the skills and knowledge to provide their patients with the best, most innovative solutions in modern dentistry. 💡👨⚕️ With hands-on training and expert guidance, they are now equipped to deliver stronger, healthier, and more aesthetic restorations for their patients. Congratulations to all who received their certificates—your commitment to excellence is shaping the future of dentistry! 🎓👏🏼 Because patients deserve the best. #centerhocevar #ghtechnique #biologicaldentistry #lecture #swissdentalsolutions #training #zirconia #dentalimplants #gregorhocevar #workshop #spreading #knowledge #overallhealth #liveop #ceramicimplants #durable #aesthetic #biocompatible #divein @swissdentalsolutions @dr.iveta.plesa.rutule @dr.annabelle_babic @dentas_dental_boutique
From theory to practice – another intense training session is behind us! 🔥🙌 Hard work, new knowledge, and skill refinement are the keys to top-tier implantology. Huge thanks to all participants for their dedication and great energy🙏 🎥 Check out the highlights from the training🫣 #centerhocevar #biologicaldentistry #nometal #ceramicimplants #training #zirconia #bestforpatients #overallhealth #elevatingskills #watchandlearn @swissdentalsolutions @dr.iveta.plesa.rutule @dr.annabelle_babic @dentas_dental_boutique
🚨 Join us at IDS! 🚨 Visit our workshop with Dr. dent. med., M.Sc. Gregor Hočevar at Hall 11.3, Booth C081 and learn about guided regenerative principles in zirconia immediate implantation in the aesthetic zone. 💡 Workshop Abstract: Immediate implantation in the aesthetic zone is a challenge for every implantologist. Learn how the right implant, technique, and biomaterials can precisely guide soft tissue regeneration for outstanding aesthetic results. 📍 Don’t miss out on valuable insights into cutting-edge ceramic implant techniques! See you at IDS Cologne! 📅 Daily Workshop Times: ✅ 11:00 – 11:30 AM ✅ 2:00 – 2:30 PM #IDSCologne #SDSImplants #HandsOnExperience
Se najdeš v povedanem? Imaš težave z zobmi? Potem poslušaj podcast z dr. Hočevarjem @center_hocevar v celoti, kjer dobiš ogromno odgovorov na tvoja vprašanja…🦷💫 Najdeš ga na @alkimijabesed Youtube kanalu in na vseh podcast platformah 🎧 🎬: @cheelot_visuals _ #biološkozobozdravstvo #mrtvizobje #gregorhočevar #floraemalotrič #zdravje #dobropočutje #wellness #wellbeing #zdravstvenetežave #implantati #keramičniimplantati #dvitamin #amalganskezalivke #črneplombe #zobozdravstvo #health #healthylifestyle #healthtips #dentist #dentistry #dentalcare #biologicaldentistry #slovenia #podcast #vitamind #supplements #toothimplant #toothdecay
Ste kdaj pomislili, da so lahko vaše zdravstvene težave povezane z zobmi? 🧐 Vas zanima, s kakšnimi izzivi se je soočala @floraema, kako je potekal poseg v naši kliniki in kakšno je bilo okrevanje? 🫣 V novi epizodi podkasta Alkimija besed razkriva svojo izkušnjo z mrtvimi zobmi, tihimi vnetji in biološkim zobozdravstvom. Z dr. Gregorjem Hočevarjem sta se poglobila v vpliv ustnega zdravja na celotno telo – od skritih vnetij do vpliva zob na splošno počutje. 🔥 Kako lahko nevidne težave v ustih vplivajo na tvoje zdravje? 🎧 Prisluhni epizodi (link v bio) in odkrij več! #centerhocevar #biologicaldentistry #secretinflammations #teeth #bestsolutions #impact #overallhealth #patient #friendly #safe #dental #healthyteeth #healthybody @swissdentalsolutions @floraema @alkimijabesed
🦷 Kaj pa, če so tvoje ZDRAVSTVENE TEŽAVE povezane z ZOBMI? Ko so mi pred leti “zdravili” zobe, nisem niti pomislila, da bi lahko to kasneje vplivalo na moje zdravje. A začelo se mi je pojavljati vse več zdravstvenih težav – utrujenost, izpadanje las, škrtanje z zobmi ponoči, bolečine v hrbtu, piskanje v ušesu,... drobni znaki, ki jih nisem znala povezati in zdravstveno stanje, ki ga pri svojih rosnih 30ih nisem želela kar sprejeti. Šele ko sem spoznala dr. Gregorja Hočevarja in odkrila biološko zobozdravstvo @center_hocevar , so se stvari začele sestavljati. V novi epizodi Alkimije besed delim svojo zgodbo in se z dr. Hočevarjem pogovarjam o vplivu zob na celotno telo. 🔗 Pridruži se nama v pogovoru. Zanimivo bo, obljubim. Delim tudi izseke iz operacije, ki sicer niso najbolj lepi, a želim, da vidiš realno sliko. Če poznaš koga, ki ima težave z zobmi, mu epizodo prepošlji. Epizoda je nastala zato, da skupaj zdravje in dobro počutje vzamemo v svoje roke. 🫶🏻 ~ #biološkozobozdravstvo #mrtvizobje #gregorhočevar #floraemalotrič #zdravje #dobropočutje #wellness #wellbeing #zdravstvenetežave #implantati #keramičniimplantati #dvitamin #amalganskezalivke #črneplombe #zobozdravstvo #health #healthylifestyle #healthtips #dentist #dentistry #dentalcare #biologicaldentistry #slovenia #podcast #vitamind #supplements #toothimplant #toothdecay #plodnost
⚠️ Only two spots left! Don’t miss this chance to advance your practice. SDS Zirconia Dental Implant Training with Dr. Gregor Hočevar🔥 Grow your expertise and unlock the full potential for unmatched health and aesthetics. 📅 Date: March 7, 2025 📍 Location: Center Hočevar, Škofja Loka, Slovenia Ceramic Implants: Precision, Purity, Perfection. This full-day intensive workshop will elevate your skills in ceramic implants, known for their exceptional health and aesthetic benefits. Invest in your patients’ wellbeing – embrace the future with ceramic implants. Link in bio👆🏽 #centerhocevar #zirconia #dental #implant #training #gregorhocevar #biologicaldentistry #ceramicimplants #upgrade #knowledge @swissdentalsolutions
✨ Master the Art of Ceramic Implants! ✨ Join us for an immersive learning experience with our SDS Ambassadors—Dr. Mario Parra, Dr. Ilian Dargel, Dr. Gregor Hočevar, and Dr. Fabian Schick. Gain hands-on experience with SDS ceramic implants and explore advanced techniques in biological dentistry. 🌿🦷 🚨 Limited spots available—our courses sell out fast! 👉 Secure your spot now via the link in bio! #CeramicImplants #BiologicalDentistry #SDSCourses #DentalEducation #dentistry
Grateful for an incredible experience at “Davos Experience 2025”✨ Learning from top experts, practicing cutting-edge techniques, and connecting with inspiring professionals—all in the breathtaking Swiss Alps. ❄️🏔️ Swipe through the highlights & let’s keep shaping the future of dentistry! 🦷💡 #centerhocevar #biologicaldentistry #ceramicimplants #davosexperience2025 #innovationsindentistry #learnandpractice #sharingknowledge @swissdentalsolutions @fortbildung_rosenberg
Karima’s Inspirations
Karima’s Inspirations je platforma, na kateri odkrito delim svoja osebna navdihujoča doživetja in kjer navdih delim z drugimi.
COMING BACK As many of you could notice I suddenly disappeared from Instagram, from one day to the next at the end of June 2021. I still remember how I wanted to announce to all of you that I had come to a place where I needed a total break from social media but days were just passing by and somehow I never wrote a post about my intention. I still regret that especially because so many of you were genuinely supporting me and my family. Reading all your messages expressing your concern about my sudden disappearance touched me. I want to openly apologize to all of you that I haven’t been able to answer. I am truly sorry. I also want to say how positively impactful on my well-being it was to have such a long break from it and I might share more about that in future posts. In the meantime, I want to let you know that I am still fully committed to a healthy lifestyle and that I am still following the @medicalmedium diet. My kids are now all grown up. They live their own lives which gave me so much more time and space to orient to my personal journey and self-growth. I’ll be so happy to share with you the insights and inspirations that I’ve gained in the last year and a half. I really look forward to reconnecting and start a new journey with you🙏🏼. I send you all lots of love and blessings 🧡 #beinspired #inspiration #comingback #insight #reconnect #healing #healthylife #awareness #mindbodysoul
MEDICAL MEDIUM HEALING HELPED MY DAUGHTER OVERCOME THE PRESSURE AND STRESS OF FINALS ✨💫✨ My daughter had her last final exam today. She has had nine exams in total; five written and four oral. I am so incredibly happy and proud of how she has handled this challenging journey☺️💛 Finals in themselves are a massive challenge for teenagers and Covid restrictions bring added stress and pressure. Because of my daughter’s recent history around anxieties and panic attacks, I was seriously concerned about how she was going to handle such pressure and stress. In the past, she would not have been able to perform in under such circumstances. Through my healing journey, I came to understand that: Having loving care in times like this is crucial‼️ A parent who is present, has time, and listens is crucial ‼️ Eating healthy food is crucial‼️ Feeding your brain with vital glucose is crucial‼️ Giving your liver time to detox daily is crucial‼️ Avoiding all troublemaker foods is crucial ‼️ Hydrating your body is crucial‼️ Good sleep and rest are crucial ‼️ For the past two months, I completely dedicated myself to supporting my daughter on this challenging journey.This has been my top priority! Finals are only once in a lifetime and I wanted to be there for her 100 percent. My daughter has been on the strict @medicalmedium protocols for the last two years. Not only has she healed from anxieties, panic attacks, migraines, brain fog, acid reflux, allergies, and eczema, but has literally been reborn. All of her fears, problems, incapacities, doubts and mistrust that she experienced about herself have transformed and dissolved. I am incredibly grateful and happy to witness her shining, being happy, trusting herself and her capacities, feeling empowered and at peace🙏🏼 She is thrilled with herself and how she handled the whole learning process, and how she could stay centered and at peace whilst doing the exams🕊 We feel eternally grateful to Anthony William, Spirit of compassion, and the @medicalmedium community🙏🏼💗🙏🏼
GUACAMOLE SALAD There are so many different versions of this salad out there, and this one is our favorite😃 This recipe is very simple, and no matter what else I serve with it, it’s always the first to. We love the deliciousness of tastes and the freshness of it. It's super healthy and easy to make. ✅ vegan ✅ gluten-free ✅ organic ingredients ✅ high in minerals & nutrients ✅ contains healing properties ✅ support functioning of the immune system Ingredients: 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1/2 red onion diced 2 ripe avocados peeled and cut fresh lime juice from one lime Salt and pepper 1/2 cup coriander chopped to garnish Directions: Put the avocados in a middle-sized bowl. Mash them gently with a fork. Add onions, cherries, tomatoes, salt, pepper, and lime juice, then gently mix the ingredients with a fork. I try not to over-mash or puree the avocados. We are looking for a chunky dip, not a completely smooth one. Garnish it with plenty of coriander. Serve immediately! Enjoy and be healthy😃❤️ #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
BANANA OAT BREAKFAST COOKIES WITH WALNUTS 🍪🍪🍪 SWIPE LEFT TO SEE THE VIDEO ➡️➡️➡️ It’s one of our most desired breakfasts/desserts/snacks. The original recipe comes from @medicalmedium. I adjusted it to our taste by adding few more ingredients. ✅ vegan ✅ gluten-free ✅ organic ingredients ✅ high in glucose ✅ high in minerals & nutrients ✅ contains healing properties ✅ support functioning of the immune system ✅ support functioning of the brain ✅ easy to make Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas (about 1/2 cup mashed) 1 1/2 cup gluten-free oats 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla powder 1/2 cup cranberries 1/4 cup walnuts Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the bananas on a cutting board and mash with a fork. Add the oats, vanilla powder, cinnamon, and cranberries. Mix until uniform. Scoop out the mixture using a heaping tablespoon measure or using your hands. Place them on the baking sheet and flatten them slightly to make discs. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until browned on the sides. Cool completely before eating. Enjoy and be healthy 🥰 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
MEDICAL MEDIUM INFORMATION TRANSFORMED MY LIFE🙏🏼✨☺️ The MEDICAL MEDIUM book, revised and expanded, holds a very special place in my heart B because three years ago, the original version of this book changed my life dramatically. My life literally turned upside down overnight. It put my family and I on one of the most profound healing journeys that we have ever experienced in our lives. When I first read this book, which I did in just one day, I felt that I had finally found what I had been looking for my whole life—a possibility to truly heal. The next day I was already on the 28-day raw cleanse. After the cleanse, I continued with MM protocols and so it still is today. Through this unique and critical information from @medicalmeidum, I came to understand the real cause of my suffering which made the unbearable, bearable. I found the first 6 months of the protocols challenging because the detoxification process increased and worsened my symptoms. When I was experiencing intense pain, physical discomfort, uncertainty, fear and doubts, I would always come back to this book. It felt like I was reading the paragraphs of profound truth on how to heal and reclaim my life back. I totally resonated with every single word in this book. And so it is today. Anthony's books are life-transforming. The wisdom and knowledge shared through them is truly awe-inspiring. Through applying this information, my family and I healed so profoundly on so many different levels and for that, I am forever grateful. And I sincerely wish for all of you who are suffering to know that there is a way out of it. You can HEAL. My family and I are living proof of it. May you be inspired and find your way towards freedom and health. I am sending you so much love and blessings😇🕊💗 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
CELERY JUICE HEALED MY DOGS 🐶🌱🐶🌱 Eight months ago, my dogs were diagnosed with severe chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract. They were treated with antibiotics several times with no success. The inflammation kept coming back and as a result, they were experiencing severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and lack of appetite. It was so painful to watch them disconnect from their aliveness. Playfulness and curiosity were slowly but surely dissipating. I felt so hopeless and desperate. At the time, my family and I were totally immersed in @medicalmedium protocols and through them, we healed profoundly. Drinking celery juice every morning on an empty stomach plays an essential part in the healing according to @medicalmedium protocols and somehow, for the longest time, it didn’t occur to me to try to give my dogs celery juice. Until one day, it did. It felt as if I had awakened. Suddenly, I realized that if we could heal with celery juice, why couldn’t my dogs? After just two weeks of drinking celery juice, my dogs showed significant improvements. The diarrhea was almost gone and they got their appetite back. My dogs have been drinking celery juice for almost four months now, and they no longer show any signs of inflammation. They have their“doggy-life" back🙏🏼💚 I would never have imagined that celery juice could be so beneficial for my dogs in regaining their health. Once again, it shows how powerful this healing elixir is. And I am so grateful to witness my dogs improving their health so drastically and above all, it makes me incredibly happy to have them joining us on our celery juice morning routine🙏🏼🌱❤️🐶🐶 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
THE POWER OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 🌶🥬🥦🥒🍇🍑🍅🍐🍊🥭🍋 A few years ago, when I learned about the transformational nature of fruits, vegetables and herbs from @medicalmedium, it made me appreciate food even more deeply. 🌎I realized that the food that grows from earth contains healing properties and ancient wisdom encoded to heal and protect our bodies far beyond what humans can understand. 🤩Not only vegetables and fruits are packed with micronutrients and powerful healing benefits, but ’Each life-changing food has a special set of healing characteristics. They are fruits that prime us to find our true friends, vegetables that give us hope when we are grieving, herbs and spices that help us cultivate self-worth, and wild foods that make good memories stick.’ @medicalmedium ☺️Eating more vegetables and fruits enabled us to eat less other types of foods that didn't serve us well. ✨Implementing loads of raw fruits and vegetables daily helped us to heal on so many different levels. Our lives changed dramatically. We feel healthy in our bodies, clear in our minds and joyful in our hearts❤️ 🙏🏼I feel deeply grateful that we can afford to eat fruits and vegetables that are fresh from the garden and organic. It hasn’t always been like that. 🧒🏻When I was growing up, sometimes we didn’t have much to eat. I made a wish to myself back then that when I grow up, my fridge and my table will be an abundance of fresh food and vegetables and that it is going to be plenty enough for everyone☺️ And so it is 🌸 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
AWAKENING THE POWER WITHIN ✨💫✨💫✨ Last February, I decided that I would do at least four “Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanses" (according to @medicalmedium protocols) every spring. A few days ago, I finished my third cleanse this year, together with my husband (@center_hocevar ). There is one more to come in June😄 I believe that this is one of the most important decisions that I have made in my life, and, it’s not only me who is benefiting from it, but my whole family, friends and clients are as well. We are in it together and that's one of the greatest gifts of all🎁 We live in the most toxic time ever on planet earth. There are toxins and poisons in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the pharmaceutical products we consume, air fresheners, scented candles, conventional laundry detergent, fabric softeners, perfumes, body lotions etc. It’s an endless list! And the "industrial waste products” collect in the cells in our bodies and stay there until we do something about it. So what can we do about it?🤔 When we hear all of this, it’s easy to become overwhelmed but for me, it's not about becoming depressed, hopeless and stopping living our lives, it’s about learning how to cleanse and protect ourselves and our families and how to take the right action 🎬 That's the driving force behind all of the cleanses I have been doing, including the @medicalmedium morning cleanse that has been our routine for the whole last year. There is nothing greater and more powerful than to awaken to the truth that lays dormant within each one of us—the truth about how powerful we are .💫 There is a light within us that shines as bright as the brightest star in the universe. And we are that!!! 💫☀️😇We have choices; we can direct the course of our destiny to our own highest good. The choice is yours! The cleanses are divine tools that have helped me awaken to this truth inside of me and for that I will be forever grateful! 🙏🏼 How powerful is that? 💗💗💗 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #celeryjuiceheals #celeryjuicebenefits
ROASTED VEGGIE PASTA We are in the midst of the asparagus season. I make sure my family and I consume it as often as possible. We love asparagus, whether it is raw, steamed or roasted. Very often, I juice asparagus spears adding apples and carrots. Asparagus is a miraculous healing veggie that: ✅ helps with the recovery and prevention of neurological disorders and symptoms ✅ contains phytochemical compounds that act as critical organ cleansers ✅ is high in micronutrients ✅ is one of the most adrenal-supporting foods ✅ is valuable at alkalizing the body by flushing out unproductive acid ✅ it is antiaging (@medicalmedium) Here is a @medicalmedium recipe that contains asparagus and is one of our favorites and I felt to share it with you☺️ Ingredients: 3 cups cherry or grape tomatoes 1 cup sliced red onion 1 cup diced zucchini 1 cup diced carrot 1 cup diced asparagus 10 garlic cloves, skin on ½ teaspoon lemon juice ¼ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) 12 ounces gluten-free pasta (we use brown rice pasta) 4 cups arugula Additional sea salt and black pepper Directions: Preheat the oven to 400°F/ 200°C. Spread out the tomatoes, red onion, zucchini, carrot, asparagus, and garlic on two baking trays lined with parchment paper and roast the vegetables for 15 to 20 minutes until tender. Peel all the roasted garlic cloves and place 4 of them in the blender along with 1 cup of the roasted tomatoes, the lemon juice, sea salt, and the optional red pepper flakes. Blend the ingredients until a light, smooth tomato sauce forms. Prepare 12 ounces of gluten-free pasta according to the directions on the packaging. Drain the pasta and transfer to a mixing bowl. Toss the pasta in the tomato sauce. Add the remaining roasted tomatoes, red onion, zucchini, asparagus, and garlic cloves. Toss gently to combine. Serve the pasta with fresh arugula and add an optional extra sprinkle of sea salt, and/or black pepper to taste. Enjoy and be healthy ❤️
PANCAKES TO DIE FOR 😃 SWIPE LEFT TO SEE THE VIDEO ➡️➡️➡️ Inspiration for these pancakes comes from @medicalmedium recipes. I added few little things and adjusted them to our taste. It’s a super delicious healthy recipe that never fails to bring delight to my family’s and friends' faces. It’s beyond pancakes. Some say it’s like a cake; some say it’s like a biscuit. In any way making these pancakes for my loved ones fill up my heart with so much joy and I love that feeling. INGREDIENTS: 2 cups gluten-free rolled oats One cup almond flour One banana 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons baking powder Salt 2 cups unsweetened almond milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup grained walnuts 2/3 cup cultivated blueberries 1 cup coconut cream DIRECTIONS: Place the oats, almond flour, banana, lemon juice, baking powder, salt, unsweetened almond milk, vanilla powder and 1/2 of maple syrup in a blender and blend until smooth. If the batter is too thick, add a bit of water; if too loose, add a bit of almond flour. Preheat a large frying pan (the best is nonstick) over Medium-law heat. Add a bit of coconut oil to prevent it from sticking. Scoop 1/4 cup of the batter and cook 2 to 3 min on one side, until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook for another 30 seconds. Arrange pancakes on top of each other; in between add maple syrup and grated walnuts. Add as many layers as you desire. Top it with coconut cream and cultivated blueberries. Serve them immediately 😃 Enjoy and be healthy ❣️ #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #healthcenter #loveforanimals #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
SWEET PEA DEEP As the season of peas is here we are happy to indulge in this most nutritious of the leguminous vegetables. This wonderful @medicalmefium recipe is super easy to make. The dip is creamy, rich in flavor and it satisfies your taste. It's delicious scooped on vegetables like celery sticks, carots, cucumbers, asparagus and red bell peppers. It became a favorite to enjoy with my family and friends. ✅ vegan ✅ gluten-free ✅ organic ingredients ✅great source of protein ✅ high in minerals & nutrients ✅ contains healing properties ✅ support functioning of the immune system ✅ easy to make INGREDIENTS: 1 cup peas, fresh or defrosted 1 medium-sized avocado, peeled, pitted and dice 3 tbsp lemon juice 1 garlic clove, roughly chopped 1/4 cup fresh cilantro + more for garnish Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: Place the peas, avocado, lemon juice, garlic, cilantro, salt and pepper in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning. Enjoy and be healthy❤️ #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healingfoods #foodismedicine #vegan #awareness #meditation #craniosacraltherapy #healthcenter #loveforanimals #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #cleansetoheal #liverrescue #familyhealing #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #mindbodysoul #selfhealing
WHAT GETS IN THE WAY OF INTIMACY AND CLOSE RELATIONSHIPS? To feel connected to ourselves and others is our most profound desire and can also be our deepest fear. If in our early life we had to disconnect from parts of ourselves because our close environment (our parents, primary caretakers, and family members) failed to love and support us, we had to develop life-saving mechanisms to help us to manage these difficult, sometimes life-threatening, circumstances. These life-saving mechanisms helped us to avoid the pain, hurt, mistrust, feelings of abandonment and maltreatment. The price we paid was to disconnect from our feelings, bodily sensations, essential needs, authentic expression and trust in life. Later on in our lives, this can translate into a fear of closeness and intimacy, and feeling incapable of having close, loving relationships and healthy sexuality. It can leave us believing that deep down we are not worthy of being loved and appreciated for who we are. This can be a very challenging part of ourselves to feel and acknowledge. But if we can compassionately embrace and feel the pain, we can transform some of our unresolved anger and deepest fears. To BE YOURSELF and to live your full potential can be one of the most challenging and painful journeys and, at the same time, an essential one. There is nothing more powerful than; to be yourself, to be aligned to your life force, vitality and creativity, to have unlimited access to joy, trust and happiness, to be in touch with profound wisdom inside and to deeply trust that we are held by this compassionate universe, so we are never really alone. Imagine how it feels to be in a close relationships while embodying these qualities…? ❤️☺️🙏🏼 #beinspired #inspiration #healthy #healing #healthylife #healthyintimacy #awareness #meditation #healthcenter #devotion #lovefornature #medicalmedium #familyhealing #mindbodysoul #selfhealing #intimacy #loveyourself