The patient had a removable prosthesis in the upper and lower jaw. Her long-standing desire was a fixed solution with good materials, without metals.

Replacing lost teeth is important, as it is necessary to preserve what is left in the mouth or prevent further deterioration, restore mastication, speech, swallowing and aesthetics.

Therefore, we removed the prosthesis and metals from her oral cavity, and inserted ceramic implants, on which we installed all-ceramic crowns. This solution ensures a higher quality of life, preserves the bone structures in the mouth and gives the feeling that the teeth are actually yours.

The pictures show the initial state and the state after the procedure has been completed.

Dentures are mostly needed by older people, but losing teeth at any age is a big shock. In addition to the discomfort of tooth extraction and eating difficulties, the feeling of toothlessness is associated with a restless smile and poor well-being. After the procedure was completed, the sensation in the mouth improved significantly.

The treatment was successfully completed. We restored a beautiful smile, with the appropriate colour and shape of the teeth, and at the same time ensured undisturbed eating.

Ceramic implants represent a sustainable and highly aesthetic solution that gives the appearance of natural teeth that conjure up a beautiful smile, WITHOUT METALS!
dr. Gregor Hočevar
dr. dent. med., founder of Center Hočevar, leader of biological dentistry, Specialist In Biological Dentistry And Ceramic Implants (ISMI Germany, IAOCI USA)